Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Nicaragua was amazing...Blake says his favorite so far. We ended up spending 9 nights in all, the first few on Omatepe Island and then the next several in the small colonial towns of Grenada and Leon, (the picture is taken from the bell tower of a cathedral in Grenada)
both sites of deep political history. Grenada was a beautiful quaint town and I have to say it was my favorite of the two. Bright buildings, friendly people, and a perfect hostile made it the perfect place to settle down for a few nights. What we didn{t know, but soon learned was that both the water and the electricity in the entire city were on a rolling blackout schedule. WHen I say schedule, it doesn{t exactly mean that there was any rhyme or reason to when the water or the electricty wouldnt work, but that sometimes during the day there would be a long period with no water or electricity (meaning no fan) at some point during the day. Being that this was the hottest place we have been so far, it was tough to get used to. After Grenada we travelled to Leon, another influential town in the political revolunionary scheme of things. Leon was a bt dirtier, not so bright and cheery, but still friendly people and an exciting Parque Central.
Adios Nicaragua and Hola Honduras! After a strenuous couple of days of travel, including a borken down bus, a grimy capital city,tortillas off the street (delicious!), a slight change of plans, and two 5:00 AM starts we have arrived in Copan Ruinas, Honduras, the site of one of the large Mayan ruin sites.
That was on the agenda for today and now we deserve another rest. Tomorrow we set of EARLY for another travel day to the small quaint Honduran village of Gracias. It is a couple of nights there and then off to El Salvador. Are you keeping up??? We are having a ball and will write again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course we are keeping up. We are so excited for you!! We enjoy every posting. Keep them coming!!!

Love ya bunches